Teeth that have become loose because of lost gum tissue can make from a new technique called splint-bridge which attaches weak teeth together, turning them into a bridge that is stable and stronger than single teeth by themselves. The product is most commonly performed on the anterior teeth. The splint is fixed on the lingual side of the abutment teeth.

Based on this case, the upper anterior teeth have abutments, but the maxillary anterior teeth are not supported. Even if the crown is worn, it is easy to fall off. Therefore, adding a splint on the lingual side not only does not affect the aesthetics but also exerts good stability of the splint.
For teeth that have lost gum tissue and become loose, a dental splint can also restore it, which not only protects your teeth but also reduces the pain that may be caused by tooth movement. Please note, however, that for periodontal disease, splints do not cure the problem. It is a function of stabilizing the teeth that have acquired comfort. Periodontal disease requires treatment via deep cleaning, antibiotics, proper and sometimes surgery treatment.