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What is an occlusion splint?
The occlusal splint is an effective way to treat temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction syndrome. It can relieve the symptoms of temporomandibular joints(TMJ)and maxillofacial muscles. Most diseases have a good curative effect. There are many types of occlusal splints, such as soft pads, protruding positioning pads, stable pads, loose pads, pivot pads, etc. The doctor will choose the right splint according to the patient's condition.

Digital splint fabrication has 4 main steps:
1. Model scanning
2. Articulation
3. Splint design
4. Splint fabrication
Stone models are scanned to place them into the computer as 3-D objects. The case is then articulated in the computer and the splint is designed using custom software. Excess acrylic adapted to the model is machined down to the splint surface with an accuracy of fewer than 0.001 inches using a high-speed machine center.
In addition, Splint design involves defining a set of parameters:

• The bite opening, • The contact points, • The width of the flat plane shelf, • The location of any anterior and cuspid guidance ramps, • The perimeter or shape of the splint.
Precise parameters will make the designed product easier to wear. The article simply shares a new digital process for producing occlusal splints is described. The method provides precise and consistent digital control over articulation and design parameters and is suitable for mounted and unmounted cases